Monday, June 28, 2010

Week Four

Veggies in your bag this week:

-Basil and Parsley
-Swiss Chard/Collards
-Snow Peas/Snap Peas (eat pod and all with both of these).
-Green Onions/Pearl Onions
-Garlic Scapes (the long curly cue—chop and add to a stir-fry for a mild garlic flavor).

First off: Reminders

*** Please return your delivery bags to your drop site each week. I have gotten very few back and am nearly out. Thank you!

*** Next week, the Monday delivery will be on Tuesday to accommodate those who have Monday vacations. So pick-up Tuesday July 6th, same time and place of course.

*** My mother, Lucy, will be running the ship next week. If you have a question/problem, contact her at 715-265-4134 or the Piney Hill email:

The weeks are flying by here at the farm and summer has set in. Potato bugs have arrived and weeds continue to grow, but we continue to feel optimistic about the crops (no shortage of rain!). We have been spared the damaging weather that many have suffered in Minnesota, and I am reminded how tenuous our feeling of control really is. In fact, we were discussing at dinner the other night that as Americans we often think we are in control or want to be in control, more so than in other cultures. We do not like it when things just “happen” to us. Farming makes this realization even more clear. We want so badly to control everything that is happening in the field, but in the end, all it takes is a hail storm or a flood to show us that our control is all an illusion. But enough of my ramblings, we are in control of it all for now, I’m sure!

Snap peas arrived in a flurry this week and I eat and pick and eat and pick.
Here is a link to some sugar snap pea recipes posted on a Spring Hill Community Farm’s website (a CSA near us).

And another link to using collards and greens from their site:

There is an entire recipe index there that may be useful to you.

Enjoy the holiday weekend.

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